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Membership at Meck

Make Mecklenburg Community Church

Your Church Home

Membership is making a church your church home. It's a decision to commit to a church and the people in its community. But the heart of the matter isn't a set of benefits, but becoming part of a community – joining a mission. Ready to join the team and call Meck your church home?

Team Life

Team Life is our church membership class that encompasses the history and heart of Meck, what it means to be a member, and the mission, vision and values we hold. This class is available to attend both online and in person.

Membership Questionnaire

At the end of the Team Life class, you will be given a Membership Questionnaire that confirms you share the same beliefs and understand what it means to be a committed member of Mecklenburg Community Church.


Whether at Meck or through your previous church, we require all members to have been baptized as believers. Why? Baptism is going public with your faith and it is the first thing God asks us to do when you cross over into a relationship with Him.

Member Services

Looking for information on preparing for marriage, weddings, or funerals?

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