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MAXlife Parent Resources

Parents of Middle Schoolers

We've Got You Covered

The middle school years can be tough not only for your teen, but for you as a parent. Friendships, dating, a pursuit of independence, social media, school pressures, faith and spiritual questions... so many challenging parenting obstacles all jam packed in such a few short years. But, oh how important those years are! At MAXlife, it’s not our desire to take your place as the spiritual leader of your teen. It’s our desire to partner with you as you lead your teen to grow in their faith and live their lives for God.
You have dreams and goals for your teen, and we want to champion those goals with you. Below is a snapshot of actions your teen can take in an effort to grow in their character and faith.

MAXlife Middle School Minstry's Pastor, Chad Macy

Check Out the Resources Below to Help You Reach Your Goals for Your Teen and Family:

  • Attend MAXlife weekly, whether in-person or online
  • Freedom to ask questions they have about their faith or life 
  • Connect with other students and MAXlife leaders
  • Invite ALL of their friends that don't have a Church home to MAXlife and Meck
  • Attend Meck's weekend services with their parents
  • Have a daily quiet time with God by reading your bible, journaling and praying
  • Attend All MAXlife Events 
  • Know they are never alone

Download the Meck app at any app store. Under the “Media” you’ll find resources to listen to MAXlife messages, find follow-up questions and suggested Bible readings for each message. Under the "Events" you'll see a list of MAXlife events and find discipleship resources. You’ll also be able to access all other Meck resources for other Meck ministries through the Meck app. Listening to the messages on the app is not a reason to miss MAXlife.

The following resources are available in MP3 and PDF formats on

And to listen to all past messages, explore the On Demand Library, download the Meck App or check out Meck's YouTube channel!

  • Passport to Purity by Dennis Rainey, Barbara Rainey, Mark Whitlock
  • Raising a Modern Day Knight by Robert Lewis
  • Spiritual Disciplines For the Christian Life by Donald Whitney
  • Wired for Intimacy by William Struthers
  • A War of Loves by David Bennitt
Order your copy through The Grounds Bookstore & Cafe today!