Weekly Messages

View by Series (37)

Messy - Current Series at Meck - Paul - Church in Corinth - Unity - Ethics - Marriage - Spiritual Practices - Worship - Resurrection - Meck Church - Mecklenburg Community Church


In the ancient, near Eastern world, there were several well-known churches that are highlighted throughout the Bible - most notably, those found in the letters written by Paul, an apostle of Jesus and one of the leaders of the early Church. The church in Corinth was fractured, full of disagreements and discord, and far from perfect. In this series, “Messy,” we’ll take a look at Paul’s letter to the Corinthians highlighting six core issues: unity, ethics, marriage, spiritual practices, worship, and resurrection. Join us to discover how Paul’s wisdom can guide us through our own messy lives....More

Ten - Current Series - The Ten Commandments - Moses - The Law - Rules of the Bible - Principles to Live By - Meck Church - Mecklenburg Community Church


We like lists as a culture, don't we? We follow leader boards in sports, love to find out which companies make the Fortune 500 list, enjoy seeing the rankings of stocks and mutual funds. God likes lists, too. Whether you grew up in the church or not, you've likely heard of the Ten Commandments. A lot of people think of these commandments as a set of legalistic dos and don'ts, but the truth is we've fundamentally misunderstood what God was after with them. In our six-week series "Ten," we'll be challenged to take a fresh look at each commandment the way that God intended them to be taken - as guidelines and principles for a successful life....More

Future-Proofing Your Life

There are four main areas of our lives that can lead to significant hardship if left unaddressed. In this series, "Future-Proofing Your Life," we will explore these areas and discover practical strategies to safeguard our futures. Join us over the next four weeks as we identify these areas, learn how to prevent potential disasters, and set ourselves up for success....More

Christmas at Mecklenburg Community Church

Christmas at Meck Message 2024

Thousands of people celebrate Christmas at Meck through our in-person services, as well as our online services. If you celebrated with us this year - THANK YOU! And if you did not, we hope you will plan to join us for Christmas at Meck next year! Merry Christmas to all!...More

Doubt - Having Doubt - Current Series - Meck Church - Mecklenburg Community Church


Have you ever found yourself questioning your beliefs or feeling uncertain about your faith? You're not alone. Doubt is a natural reaction to many things in life. Over the next few weeks, we will be tackling the different types, issues, and misconceptions about doubt, and what we should do about it. ...More

The Flip Side - Current Series - The Bad side of good things - Meck Church - Mecklenburg Community Church

The Flip Side: The Bad Side of Good Things

This series will take a look at four critical areas of our spiritual life and our relationship with God that have both “good” and “bad” dynamics. When we confuse these areas of our life, it can bring great spiritual harm. So, what are these four areas? Join us in person or online to find out!...More

Mecklenburg Community Church Current Series

Bible-ing Your Self

We go to Google for a lot, right? We search for easy dinner recipes, the latest news headlines, personality tests, college essay help, parenting tips, sporting event scores... the list goes on. It's become our go-to for finding the answer to anything, especially when it comes to our lives. Now, what if instead of going to Google for the answers to everything life throws our way, we instead turned to the Bible to discover more about ourselves and who we were made to be? In this series, we'll be diving into a series called "Bible-ing Your Self," which will walk through the three big identity markers the Bible would say is who we really are....More

Vision Weekend at Mecklenburg Community Church Current Series

Vision Weekend - 32nd Anniversary

Where there is no guiding vision - no sense of true north, no sense of where you are going, what you should be doing, the direction you need to take - where there is no real leading of God, then you have nothing keeping you on course.Vision is about more than faith – it’s about resolve. It’s refusing to be satisfied with the way things are. It’s refusing to say, “Where we are at is okay.”Join us for "Vision Weekend" to hear from Pastor Jim White about what the next chapter of our story will be....More

Current Sermon Series at Mecklenburg Community Church

Bad Girls of the Bible

Truth #1: It is often easier to learn from someone's mistakes than their successes. Truth #2: The Bible contains the stories of some of the biggest personal trainwrecks in human history. Truth #3: The most overlooked trainwrecks are the ones involving women. Truth #4: The men in their orbit were key players as well. In this new series, we'll look at seven infamous women, the men in their orbit and the lessons we can learn from their choices....More

Stories to Live By - Current Series - Walking Through Parables in the Bible

Stories to Live By

In this series, "Stories to Live By," we'll break down the modern applications of the parables, or stories, Jesus taught. Jesus used these culturally-relevant stories to help those listening better comprehend His message. And they are still relevant for us today. Don’t miss out – join us online or in person. ...More

Owning It - Current Series at Mecklenburg Community Church

Owning It

We live in a world filled with distractions and competing priorities. This five-week series, "Owning It," will explore the spheres of our lives where ownership is often neglected but desperately needed. Join us at our in-person or online campuses to discover how you can take back ownership of your life!...More

Current Series at Mecklenburg Community Church

Reckless Love

Have you ever felt like you aren't deserving of something? That you don't deserve the life you desire, the job you want to find.... Maybe you even feel undeserving of love. Those who call ourselves Christ followers believe that there is a God who loves us unconditionally. So much so that it would be impossible for God not to want us. Join us for this three-week series as we dive into the unconditional, redeeming love of God through a story that many of us might be familiar with, but one we'll see in a new light....More

Baptism Weekend - Mecklenburg Community Church - Daily Devos - Just Do It - Meck Church

Baptism Weekend - Just Do It

Baptism is often described as the outward symbol of an inward change. If you have stepped into a relationship with God and aren't baptized, consider taking that next step. We have in-person and online opportunities to make this bold proclamation, so be sure to tune in and get your questions answered....More

Happy Mother's Day - Mother's Day Celebration

Mother's Day Celebration

Whether you are a mother, have a mother, have known the love of a mother, or know someone who is a mother, we hope you'll tune into these devos this week as we walk through the vision and heart of motherhood....More

What the Bible Really Says About...

Do you ever find yourself wondering what the Bible really says about things like angels, hell, tattoos, drinking, or even aliens? A lot of people do. We know, because we asked! Each week, our senior pastor Jim White will tackle what you told us you most want to know about what the Bible really says. Be sure to join us in person or online to find out the most popular topics you voted for that we'll be talking about....More

The Passion - Current Series at Mecklenburg Community Church

The Passion

As the Easter season approaches, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of things. Stores are already stocking their shelves with chocolate bunnies, Easter baskets, Easter eggs - you name it. Over the next seven weeks, we will be walking through the final week of Jesus' life by looking at a series of events that culminated with the greatest event in all human history. Everything from Jesus descending into hell, the triumphal entry, crucifixion, resurrection and everything in between.Join us as we journey through Jesus' final days on Earth and why we're still talking about it nearly 2000 years later....More

Marriage Hacks - Sermon Series on Marriage, in person and online

Marriage Hacks

Over the next three weeks, we will dive into what it looks like to marry well, to love well and to finish well. Whether you are single, engaged, newly married or have been married for decades, there will be something to take away for every season of life....More

Current Series at Mecklenburg Community Church

Paycheck to Paycheck

Everyone wants FIRE (financial independence, retire early), but few are on track for it. In Meck's latest series "Paycheck to Paycheck" we will explore the three critical dynamics for breaking the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck, and how to experience true financial freedom. ...More

Christmas at Meck at Mecklenburg Community Church Christmas Eve Church Service

Christmas at Meck

Christmas is filled with so many traditions and get togethers. Let us help you get oriented as to why we celebrate Chrsitmas, by explaining the what of Christmas!...More

Current Series at Mecklenburg Community Church

Start With Why

Words spread quickly. Between advances in technology and social media, the entire world can find out about the latest celebrity news and hottest new trends within moments. So, what is the one thing that is seemingly the most difficult to get the word out about? Join us for Meck's latest series, "Start With Why," over the next three weeks to find out. ...More

Thanksgiving at Meck - Mecklenburg Community Church - Give Thanks - Gratitude - Communion

Thanksgiving Celebration

The season of Thanksgiving is filled with an abundance of gratitude, but it seems that right after the holiday is over, the season of "giving" ends and the season of "getting" begins. What if this year was different? Could Thanksgiving be something that we live out more than just one day a year? Join us for this special Thanksgiving Celebration weekend as we break down gratitude and all the things the Bible tells us about how to focus on every good and perfect gift we've received from God.Join us In-Person on Sundays at 8335 Browne Road Charlotte, NC 28269. Service Times In-Person: 9:30 a.m. or 11 a.m. Online: Sundays | 8:15, 9:30, 11 a.m., 1:30, 5:30, 7 and 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays | 12 and 7:30 p.m....More

Defining Manhood - Current Series at Mecklenburg Community Church

Defining Manhood

The phrase "be a man" is often associated with someone showing courage, independence, leadership or assertiveness. But what is "manhood" and what does the Bible say about the role of a man? In this series, "Defining Manhood," we will explore biblical masculinity amid great cultural confusion of what authentic and healthy masculinity entails....More

Current Series at Mecklenburg Community Church

On Fire

Fire is often associated with transformation, change and power. Culturally we say things like "adding fuel to the fire," "playing with fire," or being "on fire" for something. When we look at the Bible, a man named Elijah had several transformative events happen that were related directly to fire.Join us in person or online for Meck's 4-week series "On Fire" as we dive deeper into his life to discover how we can implement the same transformative change in our own lives. ...More

Let the Children Come - Current Series - Daily Devos - Mecklenburg Community Church

Let the Children Come

Jesus didn't just say "Let the Children Come," but do all you can to bring the children to me! ...More

Vision Weekend at Mecklenburg Community Church Current Series

Vision Weekend

Where there is no guiding vision - no sense of true north, no sense of where you are going, what you should be doing, the direction you need to take - where there is no real leading of God, then you have nothing keeping you on course.Vision is about more than faith – it’s about resolve. It’s refusing to be satisfied with the way things are. It’s refusing to say, “Where we are at is okay.”Tune in for "Vision Weekend" to hear from Pastor Jim White about what the next chapter of our story will be....More

Current Series at Mecklenburg Community Church Questions about God and Jesus

Two Questions

When it comes to faith, people are often filled with questions: Who is God? Did Jesus really come down to Earth? Is the Bible true? What does it mean to be a Christian? To be sure, there are seemingly endless questions you could ask. But what if we were to tell you that there are two questions that are the most important questions you can ask when it comes to your spiritual life? During this two-week series, we'll unpack these questions and all that they can mean for your life. We hope you will join us either in person or online to find out what these questions are - and the answers to them. ...More

Inner Circle - Current Series - Meck - Mecklenburg Community Church

Inner Circle

Jesus is the most influential person in history. Even outside of Christianity, the stories and teachings of Jesus are well known by many, and they have stood the test of time for thousands of years. Most of Jesus’ life and teachings were done publicly where the eyes of many could observe what He said and did. But there are three stories in the life of Jesus where only three people were allowed to witness what took place. These three men were His disciples: Peter, James, and John. In the life of Jesus, He was pursued by thousands, followed by hundreds, and apprenticed 12 to be his Apostles. So what is so special about these stories where He only allowed three people to be present? We’ll explore that question this series as we take a look at Jesus’ "Inner Circle."...More

Current Series at Mecklenburg Community Church

Flip Turns

Ask any competitive swimmer and they’ll tell you: the race can be won and lost in the flip turn… the speed at which you can turn around and go in the opposite direction. Sometimes in life, we realize we need to make a flip turn. Whether we’re headed for a wall, or simply realize we are not headed in the direction we know we should be going, we know we need to make a flip turn and head the other way. It's just that sometimes, we aren't sure how. In this upcoming series, "Flip Turns", we’ll explore stories from the Bible of people who changed direction - some for the better and some for the worse - and see how we can be inspired through their lives to make the flip turns we need to make in our own....More

Current Series at Mecklenburg Community Church

Made For More (Message Series)

The Christian life is often misunderstood as a life characterized by dos and don'ts, the restriction of freedom, and an endless monotony of religious rituals. Based on that assumption, no wonder we're not interested in drawing closer to God! And yet what if the truth is that God wants so much more for us than we even want for ourselves? In fact, Jesus Himself said about us, "My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life" (John 10:10). In the series "Made for More," we will examine what Jesus has in mind for us, and how we might stay focused on pursuing ultimate satisfaction rather than settling for counterfeit happiness. ...More

Current Series at Mecklenburg Community Church

Same God

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, Paul... maybe you're familiar with some of these people from the Bible or maybe you've never heard of them before. These are people who had profound encounters with God throughout the Bible. But when you read these stories about their lives, when you read about God's activity in and through them - about God's concern for them and His people - it can be hard sometimes to wrap your head around the idea that He is the same God who wants to know and be known by us today. In Meck's new series "Same God," you'll discover how these incredible events from the past - God leading the people of Israel in a pillar of fire, providing manna from heaven to feed them in the wilderness, parting the Red Sea, healing the blind - are all the work of the very same God who is there to guide us when we face challenges or times of need. ...More

Baptism Weekend - Mecklenburg Community Church - Message - How to Know I'm Ready

How to Know I'm Ready

This weekend we celebrated everyone who has crossed the line of faith and decided to go public with their relationship with Jesus. Are you ready?...More

Courageous Parenting - Current Series at Meck - Mecklenburg Community Church

Courageous Parenting

In today's society, good parenting can often feel like swimming upstream - going against much of what culture tells you is the "right" way to do things. In Meck's latest series, "Courageous Parenting," you'll discover how to effectively parent the next generation by looking at best practices that come straight from the Bible and how to have the courage to do it in today's culture.Whether you hope to be a parent one day, or you're in the throes of parenting - or even if you are looking back on your parenting years - this series will be one you don't want to miss....More

Easter at Meck - 2023

Every year, thousands come together in person and online to celebrate Easter at Meck. It's an event unlike any other where you'll discover how the resurrection of a man that occurred more than 2,000 years ago can still radically alter the course of your life....More

Christianity's Most Scandalous Idea

It's one of the most unique concepts of the Christian faith. It's also the most scandalous. It's easy to receive, but often the most difficult to comprehend. It's what attracts people the most to Christianity, but can also be a big stumbling block when not applied correctly. So what is "it"? Check out the series "Christianity's Most Scandalous Idea" to find out....More

Primordial: Genesis and the World's Primeval History - Mecklenburg Community Church

Primordial: Genesis and the World's Primeval History

Primordial is defined as that which has existed since the beginning of time. The first book of the Bible called Genesis, begins with these words: “In the beginning..." So what do we really know about the beginning of time and those earliest chapters of human history? The first eleven chapters of Genesis are said to contain our world's primordial history - from creation to the first murder, cataclysmic floods to towers reaching into the sky. How do we grapple with all that it holds in light of fact vs. fiction, or science vs. religion? We invite you to join us for Meck’s latest series, “Primordial: Genesis and the World's Primeval History,” where Pastor Jim White will take us through what the Bible would say constitutes our world's primordial history....More

Seasons of Life series at Meck - Mecklenburg Community Church - Daily Devos

Seasons of Life - Navigating Your 20s, 30s, 40s and Beyond

What a difference a decade makes, right? With each new season of life, we find ourselves facing new challenges and new joys, new highs and new lows. And through each of these seasons - from young adulthood to empty nester - we make decisions that alter the course of our lives in some way. ...More

Gender Series at Meck - Mecklenburg Community Church


One of the most confusing cultural issues of our day has to do with gender. The "T" in all things LGBTQ has loomed large of late, along with what it means for everything from bathrooms to sports. Throw in the non-binary dynamic (not claiming to be male or female), not to mention the challenge parents face with how to raise kids in relation to gender, and you have Meck's Gender series. Join us for this journey and get a look at all things "Gender." If you are watching with your family, we want to say on the front end, that this series would not be appropriate for your elementary age students. We do feel like it will provide a context for healthy conversations with your middle and high school student, but again, that is YOUR call as the parent and what you deem best. We’re glad you’re here!...More