

Acquire by the Rules, Tell the Truth, Be Content - Ten Commandments (Week 6)

Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not covet. Simple enough, right? It may not be as cut and dry as you think. ...More


The Seventh Commandment: Stay Faithful - Ten Commandments (Week 5)

The seventh commandment of "Do not commit adultery" is no joke. And it is not just the follow through of a physical act. It starts with your mind and can creep in so stealthily....More


Respect Human Life/Do Not Murder - Ten Commandments (Week 4)

Respecting human life is not just related to killing and murder. Respecting human life encompasses all aspects, including our actions and words about others and toward others....More


Honor Your Parents - Ten Commandments (Week 3)

"Honor your father and mother." That seems to be straightforward, but it raises a lot of questions. Hear how Pastor Jim explains the controversy over this commandment and how we should respond....More


The Fourth Commandment - Ten Commandments (Week 2)

Rest is something we all desire and view as a gift, when we get it. So why is it so hard to actually do it? I hope you'll lean into this week's message to learn how you can add rest into your week...every week!...More


The First Three Commandments: Relating to God - Ten Commandments (Week 1)

Within the Ten Commandments, God give us a blue print toward the right way to live. And in this message, Pastor Jim focuses on the first three of the Ten Commandments, that all relate to God himself....More