MecKidz Preschool Online

Preschool This Week in MecKidz Children's Ministry

This Week in MecKidz Preschool

Check out what MecKidz is up to in preschool this week!

Jesus wants to be your friend forever, God Loves You, Preschool Online in MecKidz Children's Ministry, Start the Party

Start the Party (June/July 2024)

In this series we celebrate the Good News about God! And learn that I can have joy all the time! When we think about God . . . who God is . . . what God has done . . . how much God loves us . . . we find a joy that is worth celebrating because God is worth celebrating! ... Read more

Jesus wants to be your friend forever, God Loves You, Preschool Online in MecKidz Children's Ministry, Little Red Wagon

Little Red Wagon (May 2024)

We introduce preschoolers to God – the One who loves them with a love that lasts forever. We want every child to know that they can hear from God, pray to God, talk about God to others, and live for God. ... Read more

Jesus wants to be your friend forever, Preschool Online in MecKidz Children's Ministry, Shine, You can Shine the light of Jesus

Shine (April 2024)

Jesus is the light of the WORLD. When we do what Jesus says, we shine the light of Jesus! After this month, every time you and your preschoolers see a lamp or a star-filled sky, you'll remember that people were made to shine, and we have Jesus—the light of the world—to show us how.  ... Read more

Jesus wants to be your friend forever, Preschool Online in MecKidz Children's Ministry, Go Team

Go Team! (March 2024)

Jesus wants everyone on His team! Jesus wants everyone everywhere to follow Him and be His friend forever. No matter what we can or can’t do, what we have done, what we look like, or where we live, Jesus is alive and He wants to be our friend…forever! And that kind of Good News makes us all want to say, “GO TEAM!” ... Read more

Jesus loves everyone, Preschool Online in MecKidz Children's Ministry, Food trucks

Food Trucks (February 2024)

There is a food truck for just about every kind of food. Some people like noodles. Some tacos. Some hot dogs. Others head straight for the funnel cakes! Next time you see a row of food trucks look around at all the people in line. Take time to thank Jesus because Jesus loves everyone. Jesus loves the sour as well as the sweet; the spicy as well as the mild; the simple as well as the complicated; your favorites and your not-so-favorites. Jesus loves everyone! ... Read more

Preschool Online in MecKidz Children's Ministry

Clubhouse Clues (January 2024)

While Jesus was on earth, huge crowds flocked to hear Him teach. Why? Yes, there was the chance of seeing a miracle, but it was also because they believed Jesus taught important things. And they were right! Jesus taught important things then, and He still teaches us important things now. ... Read more

Preschool Online in MecKidz Children's Ministry

Christmas Train (December)

Have you ever loved someone so much that you gave all you had to give them the best gift? And when the time came to give your gift, your heart felt like it would explode with love, joy, and excitement? That is a tiny glimpse of the heart of God the night Jesus was born. ... Read more

Preschool Online in MecKidz Children's Ministry

Parade of Thanks (November)

When we remember that God made everything—and all that God made is good—it should move us to thank God for everything. Thank God for who He is and what He’s done. For family, friends, and food—we have a lot to be thankful for! ... Read more

Preschool Online in MecKidz Children's Ministry

Super Kids (October)

There’s a form of bravery that people  can muster to get through dentist appointments or go skydiving. But then there’s God-brave—a bravery that can only come from knowing the one, true God. God-brave helps us go beyond what we can do and experience God working through us to do what only God can do.  ... Read more

MecKidz Online - Mecklenburg Community Church - Children's Ministry - On Demand

This or That (September)

God knows everything. God knows how  things work. God knows how we feel. God knows how it’s going to turn out. God knows what will happen if we go  this way… or that way. Add to it that God loves us and we truly can trust  that God knows what’s best for us.  ... Read more

Preschool Online in MecKidz Children's Ministry

Stack It Up (August)

There was a time when there was nothing. Then God said, “Let there be…” And it was—the whole world and everything in it. God took a look at everything He had made and saw that it was good. Let’s follow God’s lead and start seeing everything God made the way He does… good. ... Read more

MecKidz Children's Ministry Preschool Online Videos

Ready, Set, Move: Jesus Wants to be My Forever Friend (June and July)

We see God’s love on display through Jesus, who came to rescue us. We respond to God in faith, trusting in Jesus who wants to be our friend forever. We continue discovering more about what it means to grow in our faith. When we have a relationship with Jesus, He helps us love others in the same way He loves us. We have faith that Jesus will be our friend forever because He is preparing a place for us. ... Read more

Preschool Online in MecKidz Children's Ministry

To the Rescue (May)

We are made in God’s image to help others. God has given us unique abilities to use to help others. God sent Jesus to show us how to help others. Helping others is a pretty big deal! And that’s why God is with us, helping us help others, every step of the way. ... Read more

123 (April)

The greatest love is to give one’s life for someone else. And that’s what Jesus did for all people. He died for us. But that’s not the best part of the story. What happened after Jesus died is what changed everything. Jesus came back! Jesus is ALIVE, today, and He wants us to follow Him! ... Read more

Confetti Toss (March)

Jesus showed us how to love each other while He was on earth. We can love others by praying for them. We can love others by being kind to them. We can love others by sharing with them. And Jesus was very clear about who “them” is – “them” is everyone. ... Read more

Candy Hearts (February)

During Jesus’ time on earth, He showed us how He loves. Jesus loved children and wanted to be with them. Jesus loved His friends and spent time with them. Jesus loved people by helping them. Jesus loved people no matter what they had done and forgave them. And His love for us is the same. ... Read more

Preschool Online in MecKidz Children's Ministry

Wonderful Workshop (January)

We throw the word “amazing” around a lot. But imagine what it would have been like to watch Jesus calm a storm or give a man sight. It would have been like nothing you have ever seen before. That is the kind of amazing Jesus is – the “no one else can do this” amazing. ... Read more

Pajama Party (December)

Loving everyone is special. Turning water into wine is special. Teaching people about God is special. Healing people is special. Feeding people is special. But when we think of Jesus, there is one thing that is most special about Him. Jesus is God’s Son. That is what makes Jesus so very special ... Read more

Preschool Online in MecKidz Children's Ministry

Donut Time (November)

God is good. And if you look for it, you’ll see it. You’ll see God’s goodness in creation, the food you eat, your family, your friends, and the people who help you. The key is in looking for it, and when you see it, give thanks to God for it! ... Read more

MecKidz Preschool Online

Hole in One (October)

God is not random. There is purpose behind everything that God does. God has a unique plan for every person ever. The question is, "do we believe and trust in Gods' plans?"

MecKidz Preschool Online

Always (September)

Compassion, love, regret, sadness, anger...these are emotions God felt in the Bible. We are made in God’s image so these emotions can be felt by us, too. And even though we don’t always respond to our emotions the way God wants, God will always love us no matter what. ... Read more

MecKidz Preschool Online

Awesome Artist (August)

When was the last time you considered the wonder of this world – birds calling, crashing waves, snow-capped mountains, the person you see in the mirror? As amazing as this world is, the person you see in the mirror is God’s most wonderful creation because people are the only creation made in God’s very own image. ... Read more

Simply Christian: Key Values to a Changed Life for kids

Simply Christian: Key Values to a Changed Life (Preschool)

Following Jesus is hard! And God knew we’d need help. That’s why God sent us the Holy Spirit. With the power of the Spirit, we can follow Jesus and produce fruit that points others to Jesus. Kids will discover the "fruit" of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control, and see how living out those values show Jesus to the world. ... Read more

Next Event In
July 28, 2024
8:15 a.m. EDT
Stories to Live By
Stories to Live By

In this series, "Stories to Live By," we'll break down the modern applications of the parables, or stories, Jesus taught. Jesus used these culturally-relevant stories to help those listening better comprehend His message. And they are still relevant for us today. Don’t miss out – join us online or in person.

Online Campus Service Times: 
Sundays | 8:15, 9:30, 11 a.m., 1:30, 5:30, 7 and 8:30 p.m.
Tuesdays | 12 and 7:30 p.m.