Moses’ early years were filled with danger. With God as his protector, Moses survived a murderous Pharaoh, dangerous ride on the Nile river, and a journey through the desert to escape the wrath of a new pharaoh. Through it all, God was with Moses and kept him safe. The SAME GOD who was with Moses and kept him safe, is with you too. That is why you can have courage when you are afraid. Exodus Chapter 1: Exodus Chapter 2: Isaiah 41:10 - Home Guide with Activities to Connect with God:
Miriam’s faith in God helps her do many brave things throughout her life—helping protect her baby brother Moses, sharing God’s message with others as His prophet, and leading God’s people in singing and dancing to praise God....More
Where there is no guiding vision - no sense of true north, no sense of where you are going, what you should be doing, the direction you need to take - where there is no real leading of God, then you have nothing keeping you on course.
Vision is about more than faith – it’s about resolve. It’s refusing to be satisfied with the way things are. It’s refusing to say, “Where we are at is okay.”
Join us for "Vision Weekend" to hear from Pastor Jim White about what the next chapter of our story will be.
Online Campus Service Times:
Sundays | 8:15, 9:30, 11 a.m., 1:30, 5:30, 7 and 8:30 p.m.
Tuesdays | 12 and 7:30 p.m.