Elementary Online Service | When “THAT’S NOT FAIR,” Trust God

Elementary Online Service | When “THAT’S NOT FAIR,” Trust God

Elementary Online Service | When “THAT’S NOT FAIR,” Trust God

Jacob tricked his brother Esau and stole his birthright and blessing! THAT’S NOT FAIR! When You are treated unfairly it is easy to try to get revenge or act in anger. Instead, trust God! God has a plan for your life, so you can trust Him even when something unfair happens. Just continue to obey and follow him. Showing his love and kindness to everyone.

Home Guide with activities to connect with God: https://mecklenburg-community.s3.amazonaws.com/media/66d0a5ecbe303.pdf

MecKidz Missions with ways to serve the people around you: https://www.mecklenburg.org/meckidz-missions

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