Peace: Proving you care more about each other than winning an argument (March 2024)


March Week 5: Easter: Prank or Truth (Did Jesus REALLY Rise from the Dead)

Did Jesus REALLY die and rise from the dead? Or was it all one big prank? MecKidz explores whether Easter was a prank... or Truth


March Week 4: Palm Sunday: What does it mean, and why do we celebrate it?

On Palm Sunday Jesus showed us that he is our Savior! That is what Palm Sunday is all about.


March Week 3: What do you do when people are arguing?

Abigail made peace between David and Nabal in the Bible. You can make peace between others too! Start with prayer. Don't take sides. And value friendship more than winning!


March Week 2: What do you do when ITS NOT FAIR!

Life is not always fair. People mistreat us. But what should we do when something happens that isn't fair? Do we choose to value ourselves? Or peace and kindness? We explore the story of Abram and Lot from the Old Testament book of Genesis in the Bible and see how we should act when life is not fair.  ... Read more


March Week 1: What is peace? And how do you make it?

What is peace? And how do you make it? We explore Romans 12:18 from the Bible and see how we can live in peace... with everyone!

Next Event In
May 05, 2024
8:15 a.m. EDT
What the Bible Really Says About
What the Bible Really Says About

Do you ever find yourself wondering what the Bible really says about things like angels, hell, tattoos, drinking, or even aliens? A lot of people do. We know, because we asked! Each week, our senior pastor Jim White will tackle what you told us you most want to know about what the Bible really says. Be sure to join us in person or online to find out the most popular topics you voted for that we'll be talking about.

Online Campus Service Times: 
Sundays | 8:15, 9:30, 11 a.m., 1:30, 5:30, 7 and 8:30 p.m.
Tuesdays | 12 and 7:30 p.m.