Kindness: Showing others they are valuable by how you treat them (February 2024)


February Memory Verse (Compilation)

Some of our MecKidz friends eating food while saying this months memory verse.


February Memory Verse (Oreos)

Two of our MecKidz friends eating oreos while saying this month's memory verse.


February Memory Verse (Peanut Butter Crackers)

One of our MecKidz friends eats peanut butter crackers while saying this month's memory verse.


February Memory Verse (S'Mores)

One of our MecKidz friends eats s'mores while saying this month's memory verse.


February Week 4: The Good Samaritan - Be Kind!

Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan to teach us to be kind to everyone, no matter what! Look for ways to be kind!


February Week 3: Be Kinder than you have to be! Go the Extra Mile.

Jesus taught us to go the extra mile. In other words, be kinder than we have to be.


February Week 2: Be Kind! CHASSI KAOS EDITION!

Chassi Kaos shows how to be kind to her closest friend, Kealie, while riding a POGO STICK! While learning the story of Ruth from the Bible.


February Week 1: Kindness is Cool! Jesus is the COOLEST!

Jesus showed us what it looks like to be kind. If we get to know Jesus, and follow his example, we will become kind people too.

Next Event In
May 05, 2024
8:15 a.m. EDT
What the Bible Really Says About
What the Bible Really Says About

Do you ever find yourself wondering what the Bible really says about things like angels, hell, tattoos, drinking, or even aliens? A lot of people do. We know, because we asked! Each week, our senior pastor Jim White will tackle what you told us you most want to know about what the Bible really says. Be sure to join us in person or online to find out the most popular topics you voted for that we'll be talking about.

Online Campus Service Times: 
Sundays | 8:15, 9:30, 11 a.m., 1:30, 5:30, 7 and 8:30 p.m.
Tuesdays | 12 and 7:30 p.m.