In Person
Being a Spiritual Leader (A Seminar for Men)
9 - 11 a.m. EST

Being a Spiritual Leader (A Seminar for Men)

Traditional notions of masculinity often include expectations regarding leadership. And throughout most of history, men have prominently held leadership roles in the workplace, the public sector, the church, and the home. However, as much of the world’s traditional leadership roles are increasingly becoming accessible to women, men might wonder whether their leadership is still required. In this seminar with Senior Pastor Jim White, men at Meck are invited to explore the leadership calling that God has specifically and uniquely given men. We’ll discuss spiritual leadership in the home and within the Church, and we’ll explore the blueprint for godly leadership embodied by Jesus. NOTE: This is an in-person seminar and will not be recorded.   Check out the next seminar in this series taught by Senior Pastor Jim White: God in the Workplace (March 22 at 9 a.m.) A component of God’s good creation is the work that He gives us to do. Yet for many, one’s work life can often feel disjointed from if not adversarial to one’s faith. In this in-person seminar, exclusively for men at Meck, Senior Pastor Jim White will be joined by a panel of men who have followed God’s vocational calling on their lives into the secular workplace. They’ll discuss the workplace as a mission field and how to live Christianly in secular spaces, while also being upfront about the real challenges and potential dangers of living the Christian life at work. GET MORE DETAILS

Next Class In
February 11, 2025
7:00 p.m. ET - 8:30 p.m. ET
Remember the Sabbath
Remember the Sabbath

Contemporary society values productivity and a hustle-and-grind lifestyle. Rest, play and relaxation are generally thought of as either rewards to earn or marks of laziness to avoid. And yet “Remember the Sabbath” are words God gave us in the Ten Commandments - a command for us to rest and play. But why?

What if the command to remember the Sabbath holds the key to experiencing a truly healthy rhythm of life and a fuller understanding of our place in this world? Join us to explore what Sabbath can mean in a modern world and how we might take steps toward living out this command in our own lives.

NOTE: This class is a part of a larger study called "A Well-Ordered Life" - a multi-year study, comprising eight separate series, in which we look at what it might mean for us to communally model our lives after Jesus in our modern context. While this is part of a series of classes, participants can take this as a standalone course.