Respect Human Life | Ten | Week 4


Respect Human Life | February 28, 2025

Imagine a world where we all gave each other the respect we wanted ourselves and thought we deserved! Why is that so hard to do?...More


To the Second Degree | February 27, 2025

Words are cutting and can cut deep. They can cut so deep they start to really hurt, scar and can even start killing that person's confidence, spirit and enthusiasm for life. How are you treating others when it comes to your words?...More


Not Your Mother’s Murder | February 26, 2025

The sixth commandment is not just about the murder we think about in terms of one person taking another person's life. But it also includes taking your own life, or helping someone willfully take their own life. If you, or someone you know are struggling with this, please use the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Number: 988. You matter to God and you matter to us at Meck....More


The Sanctity of Human Life | February 25, 2025

Every life matters to God, because He created every human life. It is our job to build others up, not tear them down, with actions or words....More


Murder as Entertainment | February 24, 2025

There is nothing funny or light about taking a life. But how much of it are numb to because of movies or shows we watch or video games we play? Check out this devo to get back to being grounded about the sanctity of life....More