Oh my.....?? What do you fill in that blank. What you say out of expressions of anger, frustration, or even surprise, are a good look into what is in your heart....More
God gave us a wonderful picture of who He is. Looking at the story of Jesus and His life is exactly God. We should learn all we can from Him....More
When you are trying to get to know God, make sure it is not a god, but THE God....More
When looking at the first three of the Ten Commandments and how they relate to God, there is one very clear message: put God first. If you start there, you cannot go wrong!...More
Sometimes hearing "rules" may seem like a lot of legalism. But in the case of the Ten Commandments, they are not meant to be adhered to in a legalistic way, but as a reponse of obedience. Listen in!...More