God gives us the ten commandments to guide our life so we can live the best life possible. They are meant to protect us, not burden us. Take in this perspective!...More
Rationalizing a poor decision or something we know is morally wrong, is the same thing as lying to yourself. So much so, you may even start to believe it....More
There is such a great feeling that comes from being able to bless another human - whether with time, money, resources. We too often rob other people from getting to feel that feeling because of our own pride. Lean into this one!...More
In your day to day, how often do you take the time to simply be still? It is so important to take time to weed out all the noise of life to listen for God....More
What you do and what drives your actions is tyipcally a direct reflection of what is going on in your heart. So, what has your heart?...More