We can sometimes treat spiritual growth like a New Year's resolution. Even if our motivations are pure, if we lack specific action steps or an understanding of where we're headed, we will not make much progress. But God wants so much more for us than that. In this on-demand class, we'll examine several spiritual disciplines that can help you to stay focused on God and continue maturing in your relationship with Him....More
This class will introduce you to the spiritual disciplines - these are spiritual practices we can use to invest in our relationship with God and learn to be more like Jesus. ...More
This session will dig into the purpose of spiritual disciplines and how we can learn to cooperate with God - to open ourselves up to what God wants to do in and through us....More
This session will explore the discipline of rest - one that is closely tied to the discipline we’ll talk about in the third session. Because God, in His great wisdom, knew that rest would be a struggle for us....More
This session will explore a discipline that may surprise you - celebration. It will explore the difference between happiness and joy, and how we are called to live lives that are marked by gratitude....More
This session will explore how to cultivate a discipline to listen to God, something we often find difficult because He speaks in quiet ways and only when He has our full, undivided attention. We’ll look at the first of two primary ways God speaks to us....More
Branching off of the last session, this video will explore the second way that God speaks to us - through His Holy Spirit. We’ll also try to give you a better understanding of just who He is....More
This session will focus on the discipline of prayer - a discipline spelled out for us clearly in the Bible in a very short verse: “Never stop praying” (1 Thessalonians 5:17, NLT). How do we really go about that?...More
In this session we’ll explore the discipline of serving because in God’s Kingdom, the highest position you can hold is one of a servant. We’ll go through the whys and hows of serving others....More
In this lesson, we’re going to talk about generosity - the giving of our resources whether it’s our time, our gifts and abilities, our knowledge and insight… even our money....More