The Enneagram is an ancient personality model that is bringing new understanding and life-changing transformation to countless lives. Deeply spiritual in nature, it helps individuals identify the unique personality type that God has given them, which shapes the way we view the world, other people, and ourselves. If you've never looked into the Enneagram, now is the time. This on-demand class provides the perfect starting point for beginners and a road map for how to go deeper and wider with the Enneagram as you seek to discover more about yourself....More
Watch this video to get a breif overview of the Enneagram and some more context going into this on-demand class....More
There are a few structures within the Enneagram that we’ll take a look at. There are three triads the numbers are grouped in, each dealing with a center of intelligence (heart, head, gut). We’ll also explore the three stances the numbers are grouped in and how those can provide us guidance as we try to distinguish our number....More