Church History 101


Church History 101 - Trailer

It has been said that history is walking back through time, listening to its better minds. For Christians, it holds even more significance as it charts not only the history of ideas but the history of the Christian movement. Through this on-demand course, taught by senior pastor Jim White, you will have history "come alive" through people and events, ideas and challenges, stories and revolutions. You will learn why we believe what we believe, and come to understand our present moment with greater clarity. If you're ready for a fast-paced, 2,000-year ride, this course is for you....More

Session 1: The Roman Empire, the Early Church, and the Heretics

Session 1: The Roman Empire, the Early Church, and the Heretics

Why does Church history even matter? This video answers this question and then dives into the first five centuries of the early Church. You'll learn about the role of the Roman Empire and Constantine, the leadership roles within the Church, the tension between orthodoxy and heresy, and the role of the early Church Fathers and Mothers....More

Session 2: The Middle Ages, the Rise of Islam, and the Crusades

Session 2: The Middle Ages, the Rise of Islam, and the Crusades

It's time to explore the Church in the Middle Ages, a period that spans roughly 1,000 years. Beginning with the sack of Rome and the "dark age" that followed, we then move into the rise of the Church and Christendom, the rise of the papacy, the Great Schism, the rise of Islam, and the Crusades....More

Session 3: The Protestant Reformation

Session 3: The Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation was one of the most important historical divisions in the life of the Church, and that is the focus of this video. We'll discuss what led to the Reformation, we'll look into the lives and theologies of a couple of famous reformers, and finally, we'll examine the reforms that followed....More

Session 4: Christianity in America

Session 4: Christianity in America

For this final video, we'll focus on American Christianity, beginning with how Christianity arrived in America. Then we'll dig into revivalism, slave religion, fundamentalism, evangelicalism, and the interplay between religion and culture. Finally, we'll discuss the current state of Christianity in America; most notably, by exploring the rise of the "nones."...More