Cadence Living Huntersville is an Assisted Living and Memory Care in Huntersville, NC. Cadence houses around 60 residents between their assisted living community and memory care community. The community offers many activities from exercise, art, book club, music, and much more. We are able to be a part of engaging in activities and relationships with our neighbors at Cadence in both the Assisted Living and the memory care communities. Meck has committed to sending a team monthly to help run a BINGO game, do puzzles or art with the residents, and provide human connection while showing the love of God to our neighbors at Cadence.
Age Requirement: 4-16 years old (with parent/guardian)
Monthly from February 15, 2025
Third Saturday 12 - 1 p.m. EST
February 15, 2025 2 - 3 p.m. EST
Cadence Living Huntersville
Local Missions, Serve Day